Stephen H. Provost Stephen H. Provost

Economic blackouts hurt indie authors, not Amazon

The economic blackout on big corporations sounds like a good idea, right? It’ll get them to sit up and take notice, hit them where they live – in their wallets, and push them to change their practices. Except it won’t.

The economic blackout on big corporations sounds like a good idea, right? It’ll get them to sit up and take notice, hit them where they live – in their wallets, and push them to change their practices.

Except it won’t.

Boycotts tend to work only if they’re targeted, and the record of success even in those cases is limited.  As Koen Pauwels, professor of marketing at Northeastern University, put it: “For a boycott to be really effective, you… have to be very specific in your demands, so it should be something that the organization you’re boycotting can actually do.”

There aren’t any demands to this economic blackout that I can see. People just seem to be trying to hurt the big corporations.

But Amazon, Walmart, Target, and others aren’t the ones that will be hurt. Instead, the economic blackout will cause the most damage to the people being exploited by those corporations: people of limited means. They’re the ones that shop at Walmart and Amazon because they can find what they’re looking for at more reasonable prices there than elsewhere. If the boycott did succeed (it won’t), those without the means to pay higher prices will be forced to go without things – sometimes essentials like food and gasoline. Those are products typically sold by large corporations, too.

I saw one person who was dedicated to the boycott idea confess to buying gas because she wouldn’t have gotten to work otherwise.

Then there are folks like myself, independent authors who publish through Amazon because it is, bar none, the biggest book sales platform out there. The vast, vast majority of indie authors are already scraping to get by. Now we’re being punished, in many cases, by people whom we agree with politically. It’s bad enough the right wants to raise prices with tariffs and corporate subsidies; now we’re being squeezed further by people with good intentions who haven’t thought through the ramifications of this boycott.

Amazon’s pockets are easily deep enough to absorb any economic hit it takes from a one-day or one-week blackout; our pockets aren’t. We’re already fighting for every dollar we earn. And if the boycott is extended to a week, with further actions planned down the road, we’re the ones who will suffer, not Jeff Bezos.

Indie authors who publish on Amazon perform a service that far more than offsets any action taken in a boycott: We preserve history, provide how-tos, entertain, and inspire people. My wife knows at least two indie authors who planned book launches for the day of the boycott before the boycott was announced. Their big day is being ruined. Is Jeff Bezos’? I seriously doubt it.

This is not to mention the fact that boycotts like this are less effective in a polarized society with hardened positions. So even if a boycott/blackout did manage to chip away something from the big corporations’ bottom line, it would be less likely to change its policies than in the past. Again, this blackout carries no specific demand for a policy change, and even if it did, it probably would not matter.

In January 2025, Target announced that it would scale back its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs amid slowing sales attributed to opponents of DEI policies. This, of course, sparked threats of a boycott by those in favor of DEI. So what are we left with? Dueling boycotts in a country about evenly divided: If one side boycotts something, the other side takes up the slack by supporting the companies being boycotted.

And if you’re not buying gas today, you’ll still need it tomorrow, which means you’ll be having zero net impact on big oil.

So what’s the point of all this? If you’re easily offended, stop reading now, because I’m about to get blunt.

The most common refrain I’ve heard is that people want to feel like they’re doing something. They think they’re powerless, and many of them want to feel like they have power, even if that power is only “symbolic.” They want to feel relevant by “making a statement.” Hey, I get that: indie authors struggle with powerlessness all the time as we fight tooth and nail for each sale. But that doesn’t mean we should do stupid things, like trying vanity publishing, to feel better about ourselves. We need to keep searching for a formula that actually works.

Making a statement is pointless unless people are listening, and half the country has already closed its ears, so most of this is just preaching to the choir. What’s needed isn’t another “statement,” it’s action that actually works. Rather than attacking big corporations, why not empower the little guy who’s getting screwed? Make a difference where you can instead of tugging on Superman’s cape and spitting into the wind. Superman will just turn around and slug you.

The poor people who are most hurt by big corporations aren’t driving this boycott. Middle-class and wealthy people who can afford to “make a statement” without getting screwed themselves are. Why do you think so many poor people voted for Trump in the first place? It’s because they felt, rightly or wrongly, that the left wasn’t addressing their needs. Instead of working to lift them up, as Martin Luther King did, for example, they’re busy trying to tear their enemies down. That’s how war works. The generals call the shots, and the little guy gets sent to the front lines to get killed.

I don’t want to get killed, and I don’t want my fellow authors to get killed either. So rather than engaging in this boycott, I’m working to lift them up so they can have real power, rather than tilting at windmills and getting shredded by the blades.

Stephen H. Provost is the author of more than 50 books and an advocate for independent authors

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Stephen H. Provost Stephen H. Provost

My ‘Golden Rule’ of reviewing books

It can be like pulling teeth for a lesser-known author to rack up a few precious reviews, and since I can relate to that, I’m all in favor of helping other authors out. What I’m not going to do is rain on their parade with a negative Amazon review that brings down their rating. As my parents taught me: If you’ve got nothing good to say, sometimes it’s better to say nothing at all.

I don’t write a lot of book reviews for a couple of reasons: First off, I’m a very slow reader, and second, I spend most of my time researching and writing my own works. That said, when I do read another author’s book, I put a great deal of thought into any review I might write… and whether to leave a review at all.

In so doing, I’ve come up with my own personal policy regarding reviews on Amazon and elsewhere:

I don’t bother leaving Amazon reviews for established authors whose books already have thousands of reviews. There’s already enough information out there on those books for readers to make informed decisions about them. If I do want to state an opinion on these works, I’ll do so in my blog for my own followers to see.

That leaves books by lesser-known authors with only a few Amazon reviews. One thing I won’t do is leave a negative Amazon review about them. As an author with a limited number of reviews myself, I know how one bad rating or review can skew the overall star count. So, if I don’t like a book by an indie author, I won’t leave a review at all.

I understand that not all indie authors can afford the best editors, so I’m not going to add to their woes by pointing out every typo, grammatical error, or problem with sentence structure. If I spot a glaring problem, I might message the author privately and offer a suggestion about how to fix it. (One beauty of self-publishing via print-on-demand is that an author can make fixes on the fly, even after a book has been released.)

On the other hand, if I like a book by such a lesser-known author, I’ll make sure I DO leave an Amazon review highlighting the positive points of the book. I want to help out fellow authors as much as I can. But my reviews aren’t cheerleading or puffery: Whether they’re written for Amazon or my blog they’re all completely honest. I don’t write anything I don’t mean.

When it comes down to it, my reviews are as much for the authors as their readers—if not more so. It can be like pulling teeth for a lesser-known author to rack up a few precious reviews, and since I can relate to that, I’m all in favor of helping other authors out. What I’m not going to do is rain on their parade with a negative Amazon review that brings down their rating. As my parents taught me: If you’ve got nothing good to say, sometimes it’s better to say nothing at all.

It all comes down to this: When it comes to Amazon reviews, I follow a variation on the Golden Rule. I write about others as I would have them write about me.

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Stephen H. Provost Stephen H. Provost

“The Boyfriend” succeeds by transcending extreme horror

McCluskey is an indie author who helps disprove the false notion that one has to be traditionally published to write a strong, engaging story. If you have the stomach for extreme and graphic torture scenes, The Boyfriend is worth a read.

The Boyfriend doesn't fit neatly into any particular genre. That's a plus for me. I appreciate an author who’s willing to let the story take him along for the ride rather than trying to shoehorn it into a specific formula.

Some may read DE McCluskey's book for the extreme element of the story. Others may avoid it for the same reason. I don't fall into either category. I'm neither easily impressed nor offended by such scenes. What matters to me is whether they’re written merely for their own sake or in the service of the story. If the former, I won’t bother. “Splatter” or gross-out horror holds zero appeal for me. It often seems to be a case of authors engaging in a “can you top this?” contest over who can be the most disgusting. Plot and character development can suffer as a result.

Not here. In The Boyfriend, the torture scenes are integral to the plot. The two main ones were overly long for my taste, but I understand why. This is a tale about revenge (no spoiler here: the author states as much in his blurb). McCluskey juxtaposes the scenes to provide extreme motivation for an extreme response. It makes the characters more relatable (or hateable, as the case may be) and draws the reader in.

Apart from these scenes, the novel moves briskly after providing a strong setup. The first part almost reads like a YA novel, while the latter part reads more like a spy thriller, which I enjoyed.

The setting is interesting in that it’s never explicitly stated. The first part of the book almost seems like it’s set in the 1950s, with teens hanging out at a “milk bar” (malt shop) and using old-fashioned slang. But the presence of cellphones and other tech suggests a modern setting. I’m not sure whether the author did this deliberately to create a contrast between innocence and the forcible taking of it. I’d like to think he did, though, because it’s an effective strategy. The torture and sexual brutality depicted here are graphic and detailed, definitely not for the faint of heart.

The Boyfriend isn’t perfect. The twist is a good one, but I had it figured out early on. Still, it’s hard to hit the sweet spot between predictability and non sequitur, and the author deserves credit for including a solid twist in the tale.

The characters seem somewhat too resilient (healing more quickly than I would have expected) and, in one case, defiant than seemed likely given the amount of torture they endured. And one of them in particular seemed almost impossibly gullible at times, but I have learned not to underestimate the human capacity for gullibility. But these are minor quibbles. Good storytelling covers a multitude of sins, and the sins here are few and minor, while the storytelling is first-rate.

McCluskey is an indie author who helps disprove the false notion that one has to be traditionally published to write a strong, engaging story. If you have the stomach for extreme and graphic torture scenes, The Boyfriend is worth a read.

Note: McCluskey deserves props for showing the versatility to write more than one kind of book. He also puts out children’s stories as Dave McCluskey, using a slightly different name to avoid having kids stumble upon his more graphic works. You can find his books on Amazon or on his website, Dammaged Productions.

Review by Stephen H. Provost, co-author of the Nightmare’s Eve series of horror short stories and publisher of Dragon Crown Books.

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Stephen H. Provost Stephen H. Provost

Authors are too eager to exchange sales, profits for this

We authors have an Achilles’ heel that keeps us from generating the kind of profits we could. We often settle for a lesser substitute for sales. Why? Because our peers’ expectations, scammers, and our own ingrained ideas about the industry are all conspiring against us encourage it.

“A traditional publisher just offered me a contract!”

“I got contacted by a marketer who says he can make me a bestseller!”

“Wow! I got a five-star review!”

“Hey, I just won a literary award!”

Authors love being recognized, and they hate it when they aren’t. It’s a jungle out there in the publishing world, and the market—especially for novels—is saturated with titles. A lot of good writers never get the recognition they deserve, which makes them (understandably) eager for approval.

That eagerness, which too often morphs into desperation, makes them primed for exploitation by scammers. Some offer worthless marketing “help,” while others are vanity publishers posing as traditional houses. If you pay someone thousands of dollars to publish your book, they’ll be the one making money.

If you’re publishing a memoir or autobiography, chances are you won’t attract much interest beyond your immediate circle. The only folks who make money off memoirs are celebrities, political figures, and (if they’re very lucky) people with unusual humorous or fascinating stories. So if you’re looking for a gift to offer family and friends, you may be OK with a vanity publisher, but don’t expect to recoup your costs. It’s just not a moneymaking proposition.

A matter of vanity

There’s a reason they call them “vanity” publishers: They appeal to authors’ egos, which is, in my opinion, our Achilles’ heel. Even if we want to make money, we can be talked into taking recognition as a substitute—even if it does little or nothing to generate sales and may even distract us from taking steps that actually will.

It doesn’t help that most authors have been conditioned to believe that a traditional publishing deal is the gold standard when it comes to getting your work out there. It’s been drilled into our heads to such an extent that many authors refuse to accept anything less. They’ll go through a thousand query letters and submissions that end in rejection as they chase the dangled carrot of “acceptance” by an agent or publisher.

Such acceptance is, of course, no guarantee of sales or financial success. An agent may agree to represent you, then put you on the back burner. Even if they do work actively to find your book a home, there’s no assurance that they’ll be able to do so. If they do, will they find a publisher willing to put effort and energy into developing, releasing, and promoting your book? If you go through this process, you might end up waiting around years for your work to see the light of day. And when it does, you’ll have to do much of the promotion yourself… all for royalties that are far less than what you’d have earned publishing it yourself.

But many authors are so eager for acceptance—that seal of approval that comes with a traditional publishing contract—that they’ll overlook all that in the quest for what they see as the Holy Grail.

This is not to say that traditional publishing is all bad. If you’re offered a good deal with a Big Five publisher, by all means, take it. And if you land an agent with a reputation for placing authors with major houses, I wouldn’t turn that down either. But there are more than 1,000 literary agents and more than 3,000 publishers in the United States, some good and others… well, not so much. The problem comes when you get too excited about any old agent or any old publisher sniffing around and showing interest, as though merely “having an agent” or “having a publisher” means you’ve made it.

It doesn’t.

The same thing goes for reviews and awards.

Overrated accolades

Reviews are notoriously hard to come by, and authors can easily get pulled down the rabbit hole chasing them. But although they can be helpful (15 percent of readers listed them as their biggest consideration in a 2020 survey), reviews by themselves don’t mean you’ll have huge sales, and if you shell out a ton of money on book blog tours, Kirkus reviews, and the like, you might wind up getting an ego boost… but losing money in the process.

Reviews aren’t nearly as important as a knockout cover or word-of-mouth recommendation. And readers would rather decide for themselves whether a book is worth buying: They’re more influenced by reading a preview or “Look Inside” segment than by anything reviewers might say.

Then there’s the downside to reviews: Unless you have a very thick skin (and I encourage you to develop one) negative reviews, like rejection letters, will dampen your motivation. You’re likely begin doubting yourself and write less; this loss of confidence and productivity will probably hurt your sales as much or more than any positive reviews would have boosted them.

More than 8 in 10 awards contests carry an entrance fee, with the average being around $89. Of course (if the contest is reputable), paying your money doesn’t guarantee you’ll win—and since most entries don’t, it’s not a very good return on your investment.

But say you do win. You might receive a small cash prize or a trophy, and a few major awards (Pulitzer, Nobel, Newberry, etc.) will boost your sales significantly. Sure, if you’ve won an award at any level, you can use that as a marketing tool and even slap a cool sticker on the front of your book. But if readers have never heard of the award you won, they’re unlikely to care.

That 2020 survey referred to above found that genre was the most important consideration for roughly 4 in 10 readers, followed by familiarity with the author at 23.2 percent. Where did awards fall? They’re not even on the list. Another survey, conducted a few years earlier, didn’t include genre but asked readers to rank a range of factors as “extremely” or “very” important. The top answer was author familiarity, followed by the book cover, a personal recommendation, and the book description—all at 35 percent or higher. Of the 15 factors listed, literary awards ranked at the bottom of the list at less than 1 percent.

In 2016, Glenna Collett asked authors whether contests were worthwhile and received an interesting response:

“We asked several book award winners whether they thought entering contests was worthwhile. Most agreed that they noticed no increase in sales (emphasis mine). However, it was unanimous that the awards reception, the medal, and the ability to put a sticker on their book was worth the entry fee, but not more.”

In listing the benefits of entering contests, you can probably guess what topped Collett’s list: ego.

Ego vs. sales

But ego and sales are two entirely different things. Sales are quantifiable, which means you can measure whether various steps you take influence your success. If someone offers you a marketing program, representation, or a publishing contract, you can investigate whether that marketer, agent, or publisher has been successful boosting sales in the past.

Ego, by contrast, is not quantifiable. If you’re writing purely for the rush of getting noticed or receiving “attaboy” reviews, that makes you vulnerable to scammers and opportunists willing to exploit your desire for validation. If that’s what you’re looking for as a writer, and you’re willing to spend money to achieve it, that’s fine. But if you want to make money, ego is your enemy.

In fact, it may be the biggest enemy an author faces. 

Stephen H. Provost is the author of more than 50 books, both independently and traditionally published. He is the publisher of Dragon Crown Books and founder of the ACES of Northern Nevada online book hub.

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Stephen H. Provost Stephen H. Provost

ACES Anthology 2024 open to submissions

We are pleased to announce we are opening up to submissions for The ACES Anthology 2024. Submissions are due September 30, with the target date for publication November 1. Submissions may be in any genre of fiction and are limited to Northern Nevada writers.

We are pleased to announce we are opening up to submissions for The ACES Anthology 2024. Submission guidelines are listed below.

Submission Guidelines

To avoid any suggestion of favoritism, we are accepting submissions on a first-come, first-served basis (with priority given to unpublished stories). We can't pay participants, but we'll be providing Stephen H. Provost's services as an editor and publisher free of charge. Participants will be able to order as many print copies as they want at my cost to give away or sell at your events, and any money made on Amazon will go toward the cost of maintaining the ACES website and any future ACES activities.

Short-story submissions will also be considered for the 2024 ACES High Award. Carson City author Michael K. Falciani (pictured) won the 2023 award, as determined by a panel of judges, for his short story “Shadow’s Edge.”

The target date for publication is November 1, 2024. The following parameters will be used in selecting stories for this volume:

  • Submissions are limited to authors participating in the ACES website initiative. (It's free to participate in ACES, which is open to all Northern Nevada writers.)

  • Stories submitted for this volume may be of any genre, except erotica.

  • Poetry may also be submitted, but will not be eligible for the ACES High Award.

  • Material expressly or implicitly advocating for violence or discrimination will not be considered. (Characters within stories may exhibit these behaviors/attitudes).

  • Stories should be between 1,000 and 8,000 words in length. The length of the completed volume will not exceed 90,000 words. Additional material beyond this limit and material submitted after the deadline may be considered for future volumes.

  • Submissions may be unpublished or previously published works. Any previously published works should have been either independently published or accompanied by a release from the original publisher authorizing its publication elsewhere. Previously unpublished works will be identified as such in the volume. Excerpts from longer works, such as a chapter from a book, will be considered IF they can stand on their own.

  • The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2024.

About the anthology

The volume will be published by Dragon Crown Books and will be edited and formatted by the Dragon Crown Books staff: publisher Stephen H. Provost and Chief Operating Officer Sharon Marie Provost.

Each item, when published, will be accompanied by a two-sentence bio on the author.

Each contributor will receive one free copy of the book and will be entitled to as many copies as requested at the publisher’s cost (printing plus shipping).

Any proceeds from Amazon sales of the book will go directly to the ACES initiative, specifically toward the annual cost of maintaining the website (currently $190) and website address (currently $24), and toward the cost of any ACES events, such as book signings, author fairs, etc.

Submissions should be sent via email to or the ACES website contact page:, with “Anthology submission” in the subject line.

Authors retain all rights to republish stories in the future in whatever form they see fit.

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